by Jennifer Espindola Jen

March 31, 2018

Our plane was late so we arrived on the last day. I was reblessing and had been to several matching ceremonies without success. Ten years had passed and I prayed “God I´m desperate,please let me get blessed this time” When Father asked for volunteers to be matched with African brothers I was able to break previous hesitations and volunteer..Father looked at us and at the African brothers and then called all brothers with African ancestors .A group Brazilian brothers came to the front, and after matching Franklin Fortune Father matched me to Arcanjo. As we had no common language we could only nod and accept. How do you explain that you are crawling under the desks because you have lost your shoes when you can´t speak the language. It was a constant challenge to find someone to translate and when we finally found a translator everyone wanted to talk with Arcanjo and ask his advice. We managed to meet once after the blessing and visit a museum in Seoul, someone had given him a small Portuguese English dictionary and we had to use that for communication. I stayed in Korea for the mobilisation and he returned to Brazil.It was difficult to find anyone to translate his letters. We puzzled over the last one for days and it was only when I got back to England that I found someone to translate!. I joined Arcanjo in May 1989 and in 1990 our daughter was born, defying the doctors who predicted all kinds of problems because I was 43 years old. This year the 118 couples celebrate 40, a blessing which Arcanjo has inherited although he only joined later. I am grateful to God and True Parents for my husband´s love, patience and care.