(as posted in familyfed.org)

by Alan and Rosa Davies


Our matching was on May 13,1979 in the New Yorker Hotel Grand Ballroom. Rev. Moon, our True Father, was about to introduce me to my forever mate.

It was late in the day when he called my name. All of the Japanese women in the room had been matched. Just as it was my turn, however, a late arriving Japanese woman entered the Ballroom. Father looked at her, then looked straight into my eyes. He turned away, and then matched the woman to the man right next to me. He then took off toward the opposite end of the ballroom. He pointed to a woman, and motioned to her three times to stand up. I started to feel nervous. Perhaps she doesn’t want to match with me, I speculated. My wife would later tell me that she just couldn’t believe that True Father was suddenly choosing her. After a nudge from her neighbor, my wife-to-be walked toward me.

Once they were matched, couples were directed to the balcony to introduce themselves before accepting. As we were walking through the balcony I noticed several involved discussions between couples. But I have just been matched by Rev. Moon! What is there to talk about? I felt.

After finding seats and relieved to finally stretch my long American legs, I was able to see my future wife’s face. It was then that I realized I had not prepared any questions. I paused, and finally I asked my fatefully chosen eternal mate: “What was your name again?”

“Rosa” she answered. She then asked me, “I’m sorry, but what was your name again?”

I laughed, and Rosa gave me her bright warm smile. I just knew she was the one. We still joke about our initial introductions.

At that moment, a general announcement informed us that the matching would soon be over for the day, so if couples accepted, they should go downstairs, or wait until tomorrow. Our profound discussion having been completed, we headed downstairs together.

This was the second best day of my life, the Blessing on July 1, 1982, being the best. I am forever grateful to our True Parents.


I was a foreign exchange student in San Francisco when I signed up to officially become a Unificationist in 1972.

I hadn’t read the last chapter of the Divine Principle until it was 2 a.m. one morning in January of 1973. I realized that the Messiah, our True Parents, are on earth. What a glorious moment.

I wanted to move in at the San Francisco church center but I only had enough money to cover my last three semesters of college. When I talked to the center director and expressed my concerns, he asked me, “Who takes care of the lilies in the fields?”

“God,” I responded.

“Don’t worry,” he told me.

Somehow, I was able to finish my degree while working very hard at the church. Since then, I always followed the same motto: If I work hard for God, everything will be fine.

At the time of my matching, my only desire was that my spouse love God and be faithful. I’m so grateful to God and True Parents for finding a husband that fulfills everything for me—a great and responsible husband and a loving father.