by Gary Abrahams

August 31

After spending a year in Japan and Korea all of the American’s on the First Global Team were sent back to America in order to prepare a foundation for The Yankee Stadium “God Bless America Rally”.

We were sent to Barrytown and to an abbreviated version of Rev. Sudo’s 40 Day Workshop for American Pioneers. We were the last bunch of pioneers needed to fulfill True Parent’s condition of having 300 pioneers in the field before Jan. 1, 1976 in order to celebrate God’ Day 1776.. The plan was to open up 6 city centers in each of 50 states and prepare through prayer and witnessing for the Yankee Stadium victory.

We were commissioned to pray at Holy Ground each morning at 5 AM and to witness; mostly to Christians about God’s Hope for America through teaching the Divine Principle. We were true pioneers sent our 1-by-one to each city across America. Father explained to us that he needed to condition to proclaim to all of America. And we were his voice.

When asked why not just focus all of our energy in NYC: 300 strong? The answer: “God loves all of America. Not just NYC or the large cities. If Father doesn’t send pioneers out across America then those ancestors in those places may complain that they never were given a chance to respond to the Messiah. We well imagined that this was also Father intention when he created Holy Grounds in each state across America as his initial foundation.

Through a potter selection process(out of a hat) I was sent to Memphis, TN, which unbeknownst to anyone except HP, was my birthplace. We were given American flag bicentennial pins for fundraising and a one way plane ticket. With the clothes on our backs and a small carry-on suitcase we were sent on our way. And what an incredible experience it was.

About 2 or 3 weeks before the actual Yankee Stadium Rally we were called to NY. Those weeks were so frenetic that I can only recall the highlights. I cannot even recall where I must have slept; if I did at all. My guess is 43rd St.

I was assigned to work with the Public Relations team due to my past experiences with many of Father’s speaking tours. We went out to invite VIPs from politicians, businessmen, community leaders, religious leaders, etc. In the process we also organized some of the neighborhood “clean-ups” with community leaders.

The night of the Rally was mostly a blur. I was responsible for caring for VIPs who made it and for looking out for any troublemakers. So, all of the singing and activities were in the distance. I do remember the bittersweet feelings that I had of “accomplishment”, “seeing Father”, “fearing for Father’s safety” “shock” and “heartbreak”.

That night I joined all in tearing down the myriad of posters on just about every street corner and building location in Manhattan. I do have a funny story that still sticks with me. I was on a tear-down team with our wonderful elder brother, Rev. David Hose. I was impressed that he was working just as hard as all of us. As we were ripping off giant pieces of wetted down posters Rev. Hose rips off and extraordinary giant piece and turns to me saying, “This movement is such a giant rip-off!” 🙂 This inspired us all to rip off even more. I don’t recall whether we got little or no sleep that night other than we worked until sunrise and the morning traffic.

Seemingly, the next morning or day, I was asked to meet in a group with True Parents at Belvedere. When TPs came out we were worried and began giving department reports. I do recall that everyone who gave a report did a full kyungbae before True Parents and all repented for their lack of success. Aidan Barry, in particular, surprised us all when he laid down in a complete supine position in front of True Parents.

At the end of that meeting True Parents proclaimed Yankee Stadium a victory and that It was like going beyond Jesus’ crucifixion. Many of us recalled our own similar feelings from that night. Father, feeling our deflated spirit wanted to encourage us and began by asking us to prepare for the Washington Monument Rally.